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How Long Will It Take To Get My Maryland Workers’ Compensation Settlement Check?


Workers’ compensation insurance exists to ensure that employees who are injured on the job will have access to medical care and full or partial wage replacement while they recover from their injuries. Most employees in Maryland are covered by workers’ compensation, however, few will likely give it much thought until they are injured at work. At that point, they may discover that the process of getting these benefits is not as streamlined or straightforward as they would have hoped. Many employees are shocked when they encounter resistance from their employer when they attempt to file a claim, or when their claim is subsequently denied. However, even in cases where everything goes smoothly, it can still be a difficult process to navigate and can often feel like it will never end.

The Timeline of a Workers’ Compensation Claim

The exact timeline of a workers’ compensation claim is different for every employee and every injury. You should be sure to tell your supervisor or manager as soon as you are injured on the job. Although you have ten days to inform them legally, the sooner you do the better. Waiting can cause skepticism on the part of the claims adjuster and will postpone the start of your benefits. If you inform your employer of your injury verbally, make sure to also follow up in writing so that it is documented. This will allow them to promptly file a workers’ compensation claim. Once the claim is filed, the Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission estimates that it will take them 2-3 business days to process it. At this point, you may begin receiving weekly benefits if you are entitled to them. It is generally not possible to determine what an appropriate settlement amount is until you have reached your maximum medical improvement (MMI). This means that you have improved as much as doctors can help you improve. Depending on the nature and severity of your injury, this point can take weeks or months to reach. Until then, you will not have an accurate idea of what future care will be required and what, if any, limitations or disabilities will be permanent. It is not wise to accept a settlement offer before you have this information. Once you have reached your MMI (and hopefully talked to a lawyer) you can consider accepting a settlement offer. Once the settlement offer is accepted, it should take you about two to three weeks to receive your payment from the Workers’ Compensation Commission. As you can see, there are many factors along the way that can affect the amount of time that it will take for you to receive a settlement. If you have questions about your specific case it is best to consult with a lawyer directly.

Schedule a Consultation with a Maryland Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

If you have suffered an injury at your workplace and are struggling to get the compensation and benefits that you are entitled to, the experienced Maryland workers’ compensation attorneys at Berman, Sobin, Gross are ready to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.



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