Drowsy Driving In Maryland: How To Reduce Your Risks During The Summer Months

Summer in Maryland means more frequent gatherings with family and friends, as well as fun trips to local amusement parks, the mountains, or the beach. As the season winds down, the heat and hectic pace of activities can leave you feeling exhausted. Unfortunately, this can prove dangerous on the road. Drowsy driving is a common cause of car accidents in Maryland. Our Maryland car accident attorneys share common warning signs and ways to reduce the risks.
Summer Is A Common Time Of Year For Drowsy Driving Accidents In Maryland
The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) advises that most people need an average of eight hours of sleep per night. Getting less takes a heavy toll on your health, increasing your risk of illness and accidental injuries.
Being excessively tired and fatigued impacts you physically and mentally. It is dangerous under any circumstances, but particularly while behind the wheel. Impacts that drowsy driving has on driving abilities include:
- Watery eyes and blurred vision;
- Increased sensitivity to glare;
- Poor depth vision;
- Reduced coordination;
- Slower reflexes;
- Increased risk of nodding off or falling asleep behind the wheel.
Summer is a busy time of year for many people. Between work, vacations, and enjoying time with family and friends, you may find yourself running on less sleep. Be aware of the hazards this can pose, both to you and others on the road.
Reducing Maryland Drowsy Driving Car Accident Risks
Each year in November, Zero Deaths Maryland partners with the NSF to raise awareness of drowsy driving hazards. Time changes early in the month increase drowsy driving car accident risks. Summer is another common time for these crashes to happen, as people travel long distances and stay busy with day-long picnics and other activities.
When traveling local roads, take steps to reduce drowsy driving risks. These include:
- Get plenty of sleep before taking a trip;
- Talk to your doctor about insomnia or other sleep disorders you suffer from;
- If you feel tired while driving, avoid drinking excess caffeine, as it could cause a ‘crash’ later;
- If you find yourself yawning excessively or your eyesight gets blurry, pull over and take a 15-minute nap.
When on the road, be alert for signs other drivers may be excessively fatigued. Drowsy driving has many of the same impacts as driving under the influence, so watch for swerving, driving with lights off at night, going the wrong way on one-way streets, and driving either significantly above or under posted speed limits.
Injured In A Drowsy Driving Accident? Contact Our Maryland Car Accident Attorneys
Drowsy driving poses serious threats on roads throughout the state and is a leading cause of car accidents in Maryland. If you are injured in a crash, get the trusted legal guidance you need in filing a claim at Berman, Sobin, Gross LLP. To get the maximum compensation you need to recover, contact our office and request a consultation today with our Maryland car accident attorneys.