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Maryland Workers' Comp Attorneys > Maryland Car Accident Attorney

Maryland Car Accident Attorney

Getting into a car accident is frightening, confusing, and, unfortunately, common. Insurance studies show that most people will be in around three to four crashes in their lifetimes. While most of these collisions will be minor, some cause devastating injuries and, in tragic cases, fatalities. Even in the case of a minor wreck, the costs can be extensive.

If you were in a car accident, you likely have a lot of questions about what to do next. Contacting a Maryland car accident attorney is a good first step. The attorneys at Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP have been working with wrongfully injured people for more than 30 years. We understand that an accident can have devastating impacts on a person and a family. Our Maryland car accident attorneys will work with you and fight for you to get the best outcome for your case. The compensation collected is important to ensure that you can focus on recovering, get the medical care you need, and recover for your missed time at work.

Call Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP at 410-769-5400 to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney today.

How Do Maryland Courts Determine Fault in Car Crash Cases?

In the immediate aftermath of a collision, the focus should be on ensuring that everyone gets the medical treatment that they need. However, in the early chaos that follows a crash, people’s actions could come back to haunt them later. For instance, some may construe a well-meant apology as an admission of fault. It is important to note that people are often not thinking clearly right after something as traumatic as a car crash. The reality of fault could be more complicated than it appears to the disoriented victims in the moments after impact.

Maryland follows the rule of “contributory negligence.” Under this rule, if a person is even partially responsible for their injuries, then he or she will not be able to recover from another person, even if that other individual was more at fault. Most states have a different system called “comparative negligence,” in which courts assign percentages of fault. In almost every other state, a person who is only twenty percent at fault could still collect compensation, although at a reduced rate to reflect his or her share of the blame.

Many believe that Maryland’s system is unfair to those who suffer injuries in crashes. Still, it is important to note that courts will find that the victim was not contributorily negligent in many cases. You should never make an assumption that you were at fault or take the insurance company’s word for it. Instead, seek out advice from an experienced Maryland car accident lawyer.

If you were in a collision, call a Maryland car crash attorney to evaluate your case and discuss your legal options.

What Will I Recover in a Successful Case Against an at-Fault Driver?

If another driver injured you in a crash, you could recover compensation for your injuries and losses. “Damages” refers to the financial recovery available to those who are injured by another person’s negligence. Economic damages and non-economic damages are the two broad categories of damages available to the injured person.

Economic damages cover the costs incurred by the injured person as a result of the accident. For instance, you can recover the cost of replacing your car, medical expenses, and the wages you lost if your injuries prevented you from working. It is possible to calculate and assign a dollar amount for these damages based on receipts and bills. You can also claim future anticipated expenses as part of your economic damages.

Non-economic damages cover abstract losses and are more difficult to calculate. For instance, you can recover for the pain and suffering caused by the crash and emotional stress. The injured person’s spouse can also claim loss of consortium resulting from the collision if their marital relationship suffered because of the injuries to the victim.

Non-economic damages are typically larger than economic damages and can be significantly more than the victim’s actual monetary loss.

There is a limit on what you can recover in Maryland, but that limit changes every year.

How Long Do I Have to File My Claim in Maryland?

After a car accident, you should contact an experienced Maryland car crash attorney right away. Insurance adjusters will often start calling soon after the collision and may pressure you to accept a low-ball offer. Speaking to these individuals is not in your best interest. Once you hire an attorney, that person becomes your advocate and your representative.

While Maryland law will allow you to file your claim up to three years after an accident, procrastinating is not wise. The more time you have on your side, the better chance you will have to negotiate a settlement. If you think a deadline could be approaching, you should contact an attorney right away.

Call Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP Today to Discuss Your Claim

At Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP, our Maryland car accident attorneys know the devastation that car crashes can cause a person’s lifestyle and finances. We are here to help you get the compensation you need to move past this part of your life. Call us today at 410-769-5400 to learn how we can help you.

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