Tag Archives: Maryland Workers’ Compensation Claim – Is My Injury Covered?
Police Officers and Duty Belts – How Back Injuries Can Be Prevented
Think of all the dangers police officers face. They are punched, shot at, struck by cars during traffic stops, injured while restraining combative suspects, and in collisions while in a vehicle pursuit. These are just a few of the perils they encounter. Often though, the injuries which occur while police officers are in the… Read More »
Why should I file a Workers’ Compensation Claim if my Employer’s insurance is already covering my medical bills?
There is a BIG difference between filing a claim with the Workers’ Compensation Commission and filing a claim with your employer’s insurance policy. As Attorney Al Gross discussed in his recent blog post, submitting a “First Report of Injury” or other worksheet to your employer or employer’s insurance is NOT the same thing as… Read More »
Welcome To The Party: Third Party Cases
When a worker is injured on the job by the fault of another person, she has the right to make a worker’s compensation claim, but may also pursue the at-fault person for damages. The claim or lawsuit against the at-fault person is called a third party claim. Why is it a third party claim?… Read More »